- Eat them canned, fresh or frozen!
- Makes delicious pies, syrup, jams & jellies!
- Junebearing will have ripe berries late June and early July.
- Everbearing varieties will produce fruit early July and also in the fall.

Red Raspberries
Pricing Per Plant
PRELUDE - (Summer bearing)- Earliest junebearing red raspberry. Hardy and vigorous. Firm berries that are great for farm stands or u-pick. (zone 4-8)
$10.00 / plant
BOYNE - (Summer bearing)- Very winter hardy. Heavy producer of medium-sized deep red berries that ripen a week or more before Latham. Great for fresh eating, freezing and jam/jelly. (zone 3-7)
$10.00 / plant
KILARNEY - NEW! (Summer bearing)- Mid-season winter hardy variety. Bright red medium-sized berries with a good raspberry flavor. (zone 4-7)
$10.00 / plant
LATHAM - (Summer bearing) - Ripens early in June, just behind Prelude. Very sweet fruit, pure red color, firm. (zone 3-8)
$10.00 / plant
NOVA - NEW! (Summer bearing)- Very winter hardy but adapts well to other climates. Produces high yields of firm, sweet/tart bright red berries. Nova will set a fall crop in Southern regions. (zone 3-8)
$10.00 / plant
CASCADE DELIGHT - (Summer bearing)- This variety is more tolerant to wetter garden conditions. Resists root-rot. Heavy yields of firm berries with a rich raspberry flavor. Summer (July) bearing. (zone 6-9)
$10.00 / plant
AMITY - NEW! (Everbearing)- Winter-hardy variety that produces large dark red berries that are firm and sweet. (zone 3-8)
$10.00 / plant
CAROLINE - (Everbearing)- A very productive plant that sets large, sweet fruit. (zone 3-8)
$10.00 / plant
HERITAGE - (Everbearing) - All-time favorite. Excellent fruit, good flavor, sweet taste and high yielding. (zone 4-8)
$10.00 / plant
Plant Details:
Remove Raspberry plants from shipping box immediately. Store Raspberry plants in a cool moist place and untie the bundles. Keep roots moist at all times. Do not over water.
Requires neutral soil, a pH of 6.5 to 7. Will grow in any type of well drained soil.
Do not plant in any media other than soil.
The top root on the cane should be 1” below the ground level. Plants should be spaced 2’ apart. Press soil firmly around the roots and water well. Water regularly. Do not over water. Do not trim roots.
DO NOT MULCH around our plants. Do not plant or pot in any media containing bark or wood chips. We do not recommend potting in containers smaller than one gallon.
Full sun
Yellow Raspberries
Sweet berries with an excellent flavor!
Pricing Per Plant
ANNE - (Everbearing)- High yields of large, firm pale yellow fruit. Very sweet flavor. Fruits in August intil it frosts. (zone 4-8)
$10.00 / plant
FALL GOLD - (Everbearing)- A pick and eat berry. Very sweet, soft fruit with excellent flavor. Ripens similar to the Heritage variety in late June and again in September. (zone 4-8)
$10.00 / plant
Purple Raspberries
The largest of all raspberries.
Vigorous growing.
Pricing Per Plant
ROYALTY - Large, sweet berries, very productive. (zone 4-8)
$10.00 / plant
BRANDYWINE - Very large, purple, tart fruit - great for jams, jellies, pies. Has excellent flavor. (zone 4-8)
$10.00 / plant
Black Raspberries
NEW LOGAN - Early, medium-large, glossy slightly tart berries with small seeds. High yields and good disease resistant. (zone 4-8)
$10.00 / plant
JEWEL - Midseason - A vigorous growing plant. Fruit ripens early mid-season. Firm berries with excellent flavor and quality. (zone 4-8)
$10.00 / plant
BLACK HAWK - Vigorous and very productive mid-season variety. Produces large, firm berries with a sweet, rich flavor. (zone 4-8).
$10.00 / plant
ALLEN - Cold hardy mid-season variety that produces large crops of large, firm berries with excellent flavor. (zone 4-8).
$10.00 / plant
BRISTOL - Midseason - Ripens mid-season. Bristol produces a large, firm berry with excellent flavor. (zone 5-8)
$10.00 / plant
CUMBERLAND - One of the oldest raspberry cultivars. Ripens mid-season. Medium-to-large fruit with an outstanding flavor. (zone 4-8)
$10.00 / plant