- Plants are dormant and over 12 inches tall
- Delicious fresh, makes good jelly, grape juice and homemade wine!
- Grapes produce their fruit in the fall, mid-September until it freezes.
Thornless Blackberries

Pricing Per Plant
PRIME ARK® FREEDOM - RETURNING! (Everbearing)- Erect, early-season variety that sets a crop in June and then again in August. Large, sweet fruit. (zone 5-9)
$10.00 / plant
NATCHEZ - THORNLESS. One of the earliest blackberry varieties. Large, very sweet berries. Plant is semi-erect and disease resistant. (zone 6-8)
$10.00 / plant
ARAPAHO - THORNLESS. Erect. Very firm, large fruit with small seeds. Excellent flavor. (zone 5-9)
$10.00 / plant
OUACHITA - THORNLESS. Erect. Attractive very large glossy fruit with excellent flavor. High yields. Great for farm stands. (zone 6-9)
$10.00 / plant
APACHE - THORNLESS. Erect. Produces a sweet, large fruit. Very productive. (zone 5-8)
$10.00 / plant
NAVAHO - THORNLESS. Semi-erect. Medium sized black fruit with the best flavor and highest sugar content. (zone 6-9)
$10.00 / plant
HULL - THORNLESS. Trailing. Medium to large fruit with a mild flavor. Good producer. Good winter survival. (zone 5-8)
$10.00 / plant
TRIPLE CROWN - THORNLESS. Semi-erect. Vigorous and productive, with large sweet fruit. Can tolerate some cold. (zone 5-8)
$10.00 / plant
CHESTER - THORNLESS. Semi-erect. Mild, flavorful medium sized fruit with high yields. Can tolerate drier conditions once established. (zone 5-8)
$10.00 / plant
Plant Details:
Remove Blackberry plants from shipping box immediately. Store Blackberry plants in a cool moist place and untie the bundles. Keep roots moist at all times. Do not over water.
Requires neutral soil, a pH of 6.5 to 7. Plants will grow in any type of well drained soil.
Do not plant in any media other than soil.
The top root on the cane should only be 1” below the ground level. If planted too deep, it will not grow a new shoot from the base of the plant. Plants should be spaced 3’– 4’ apart. Do not trim roots.
DO NOT MULCH around our plants. Do not plant or pot in any media containing bark or wood chips. We do not recommend potting in containers smaller than one gallon.
Full Sun
Thorny Blackberries

Varieties Available
Pricing Per Plant
DARROW - THORNY. Large, sweet berry. Vigorous growing bush is very hardy and is rust resistant. (zone 4-8)
$10.00 / plant
PRIME ARK® HORIZON - SEMI-THORNLESS. Primocane bearing blackberry gives you 2 crops a year. Not as thorny as Darrow. Floricane berries ripen early. Prime Ark® Horizon offers high yields of great tasting berries. (Zone 6-9)
$10.00 / plant